Stylish HDB Study Room Design Ideas

What design approach should parents take when designing their kid’s study rooms with study table? If being torn between decoration and distraction is not stressful enough, add to that is the space constraints that most homeowners in Singapore face with their HDB flats then it is understandable how coming up with study room design ideas can be a challenge.

Study Room Basics

Freight not as LoftHome has you covered for optimising layout design when it comes to not having the luxury of space. But first, what are the basic requirements of a study room? For one, you’ll always need accurately measured furniture that fits into the space without overwhelming the area. It is also important to be wary of the location – be it the room or the placement of the furniture. Lastly, have a theme in mind. You wouldn’t want your kids coming home from school only to be greeted by grey walls that affect their motivation and productivity.

Study Room Layout Ideas

After you are done with your measurements, research online for some design concepts preferences. Make sure that the concept and colours chosen doesn't dull a child's focus or creativity. Here are a few study room layout ideas that will give you a solid foundation to design your room.

1. Free up some floor space

When installing a study table, one of the main worries is the utilisation of floor space or the lack thereof. Will there be enough space for other furniture after this huge vintage study table is added in? If I opt for a smaller table, will there be enough space for all my work or study materials? These are common questions brought up by homeowners. One of the ways to work around this is to utilise a floating or standing desk instead of the standard ones that we’re all accustomed to. If finding one that fits your aesthetic is difficult, built-in wall shelves like the Medium Wooden Wall Shelf with Chalkboard Front are versatile enough to complement any study room design ideas you may have.

Beyond desks, this logic can be applied to your shelving units too! Large bookshelves and display shelves are undoubtedly great as you get to sprawl out all your materials and books – a decorative piece of sorts. But when space is a concern, installing floating shelves for additional storage is ideal. These can also double as decorative elements that will spruce up your space with subtlety.

2. Use any available space, even nooks

If there’s one advice interior designers will offer homeowners of a small apartment, it will be to make full use of your vertical space. As mentioned above, floating furniture will free up floor space. But at the same time, that does not mean that they should only be drilled into large and open spaces – don’t let your nook and crannies go to waste! Throw in a desk, bookshelf, or other storage solution into these corners and transform them into a functional study space.

Study Room Must-Haves

Design layout aside, there are a few key furniture pieces to include in every study. And no, your everyday home furniture should not be your go-to. Furniture specially designed to boost productivity and comfort and reduce the risk of back pain must be considered above all else. Why? Because given the hours that your kids will be spending in a study room, it needs to be as practical as possible. Just like how you might design a home office, the same effort should be put into curating the study area. From ergonomic study chairs to a designated space, everything needs to optimally cater to their needs. This way, they can live and breathe the “work hard, play hard” motto.

A study room does not always have to be about constant mugging. If the bed seems like a comfortable spot to work from, then so be it. Should there be sufficient space, try to create a lounge area so that your children, or even you, can take breaks in between their study sessions. Be creative with your study room ideas, even if the area is small. Need more study room ideas? Browse our extensive catalogue of study and home furniture or be inspired by our design articles!